20th Birthday! |
First off Thank you for all the BIRTHDAY WISHES! It means alot to me... I feel so loved. I have the best family and friends. (: I am 20 now.... ewww I feel old. And I have been out for a year.... thats even scarier. I hope that rest of the time goes by super slow because there of work to be done and stuff I need to learn!
1 Nephi 4:6 "And I was led by the spirit, not knowing before hand the things which I should do." This was pretty much the theme of our week. Sister Eging and I have made it a goal to act on every prompting we receive, so God can trust us with his children and lead us to those who are elect and we may be able to recognize them. We saw many miracles as we focused on this, we talked to people we might have not in the first place. As missionaries we are nothing without the spirit. We must have it with us at all times, and if we act on even the tiniest promptings we will be effective instruments in his hands bringing souls unto him. Not every prompting is fruitful or makes sense, but it is how we build trust with our father in heaven. We listen and obey out of love not because we expect blessings.
MIRACLE!!!! Carlos texted us this morning and told us his whole family of 7 is planning to be baptized all together, and are doing the discussions as a whole family!!!!! They have set a date in september! Sister Eging and I were freaking out!!!! A tear was even shed. They will one day make it to the temple and be sealed. We are so
Sister Missionaries know how to throw a party! |
so so excited for them. This is my joy as a missionary, seeing people change and come to know their Savior, and I am so blessed just to be an instrument.
Alma 29:9 "I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me;yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy. "
So Sister Eging and I didn't have roommates assigned so Sister Worthen (from New Zealand) and Sister Bartell (from Wisconsin) got permission to move in. Basically its a party. We moved all the beds into one room. Living with your best friends is great. Sister Worthen is in her last transfer and since we never got to be companions this is the next best thing! Love her so much!
The Gleason's & Sister Sughroue |
Sunday was my birthday! Such a good one! Elder Clarke from the Seventy came and spoke in sacrament meeting.... so amazing! We had cake at lunch with sisters! Then I saw the Gleasons right before I went home for dinner time to make cupcakes with my roommates. But when I got home I was SURPRISED with all my best friends and sisters I love so much!!!!!! I was so shocked! They decorated the apartment with the stuff mom sent (good one mom, the silly string was a hit). Made yummy breakfast for dinner and desserts. It was a rager. glow sticks and balloons everywhere with EFY music playing. hahahahaha. I just have been so blessed with life long friends here! My roommates and companion worked it all out!
Much love,
Sister Sughroue
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