Sister Sughroue Washington DC Temple |
Richmond Virginia Mission Departing Missionaries June 2015 |
On Saturday we got Transfer Calls and I found out I am being transferred for my last week here, to follow up train another Sister until the new Sister from Temple Square gets here, because our transfers are off by one week. Sister Kellogg and I were completely Surprised! We had thought there was no way I was leaving for just one week! Sister Kellogg is training though so I am excited for her! President Wilson is so funny when he called he said, "Don't hate me.... but will you?...." Of coarse I said yes, I just think its funny because he knows how much I love this area and it will be sad to leave it just one week before I leave and go to a random area. But where ever the Lord needs me I will go, I expect to see his hand in our work my last week here and I will make the best of it! So Tomorrow I will go to my new area with my new companion, I am going to miss Sister Kellogg so much. But we think I might stay in the zone so I can say goodbye before I leave.
We had a very eventful week, so I will send tons of pictures!
Sister Missionaries P-Day Fun |
On monday we had Zone P-day and played Umpa, I am a pro now!
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VCU Campus with Sister Sprunt |
Tuesday President Wilson gave me special permission to go "Return and Report" in Richmond. It is for trainees and there trainers, where they have 2 hrs to exchange and go contact on VCU campus. And I got to go!!!! It was so much fun to street contact, we hit it hard for the 2 hrs we had talking with everyone. Awesome to be on a college campus because their are people everywhere and they are your age so its really easy to approach them! I was with Hermana Sprunt, we were talking with lots of people but not having anyone super interested so we decided to find someone sitting down not in a rush. We started to walk and saw this man on a bench down the street. We met and ended up teaching the first lesson to Thomas, he's in his 30's. He was so receptive and already had a Book of Mormon. We put him on date for a few weeks out and referred him too the missionaries in that area. Miracle!
Wednesday we had an amazing lesson with Sajevonne, a new investigator! We met her tracting last sunday. We felt really
strong we needed to knock these houses at the end of the street, and no one was home, the last door we knocked was her! She was so nice and excited to see us. When we left Sister Kellogg and I were confused why she was so happy to see us, we aren't use to that reaction! lol. She is so prepared and is seriously the happiest person I have ever taught, She just has this glow and spirit about her! We gave her a chapter to read and as soon as we left she started to read it! She will be getting baptized!
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The Zeyala Family |
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Sister Sughroue at the Lincoln Memorial |
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Sister Gauch & Sister Sughroue |
Thursday I went to the the D.C. Temple with all the departing missionaries. President and Sister Wilson drove us all up in big vans. We were able to do a session, which was amazing. There is no place more HEavenly on earth then the Temple. Then we had lunch at the visitor center, then went for a drive around tour through D.C. we got to see the white house, capitol, and everything from the car window. Then we stopped at the
Lincoln monument, ran up the stairs took a picture and ran back down! hahaha a quick tour!
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Our investigator Evelyn and her son Bradley |
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The Bringhurst Family |
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We go and sing to these sweet sisters every Sunday |
The Smith Family |
Friday we had a Zone meeting. Then went and did Personal Progress with the Chamberlains, to recent convert teenage girls. Saturday it stormed ALL DAY, I'm surprised it didn't flood! We had dinner at Sister Guach, out stake RS president in our ward, who we have gotten so close with and love so much. She fed us every week that I was here and I am going to miss her! Then we got the call, that I'm leaving, so Sunday was full of goodbyes at church, a fireside, and driving around after to see members and investigators. I love the woodbridge 2nd ward and they will always have a place in my heart! I am so grateful for the Bringhursts in our ward who were our Ward mission Leader. I have never met such a family so selfless and misisonary minded! Hope to be members like them!
Well today Sister Kellogg and I are going to make the best of our last day together! We have a few more people to say bye too then we are having FHE at the Bringhursts! Hope you all have a great
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The Chandler Family |
Sister Sughroue